Pete Joins The Creek
Business in the Okanagan seems to be back at, if not above, pre-pandemic levels. New ideas, new products, new services, and a renewed sense of optimism have resulted in our phones ringing and email inboxes filling up.
What to do? Look out into the diverse and talented workforce and bring another fish into our pond (or creek in this case). We’re pretty happy with what we ended up reeling in.
Say “hello” to Pete MacLeod.
“If you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room.”
This moto is Pete’s approach to life. Surround yourself with people that you can learn from and grow from and that inspire you. This mantra has landed Pete in classrooms at UBCO studying English Literature, the oil industry in Fort. St. John, and for the past eight years or so in the tech start-up world.
Experience in Community Relations, Marketing, Sales, and Project Management makes Pete a versatile and welcomed addition to our team. His experience is bolstered by his desire to learn which will only provide benefit to the team and to our clients.
“I love seeing good people, in their element, doing what they’re great at. If there’s an opportunity for me to help facilitate and make those things happen for other people, to help them reach success, then I really feel a sense of fulfillment.”
Pete might, in fact, look familiar to you. He has graced many stages as an actor. From Beauty and the Beast to 1984 to the lead in Rent, Pete’s passion and commitment to his craft have served him well. (Hey Pete, your teammates at Twin Creek will be front and centre when you take the lead as Hamlet in March at the Black Box Theatre!)
Swing the pendulum the other way and Pete has proven successful in the ring. Yes, the boxing ring! He may have only been 12 years old, but he was ranked #1 in Western Canada, albeit for a brief moment.
Today, Pete is setting his mind on achieving his blue belt in jiu-jitsu by end of 2022, already having earned his 2nd stripe on his white belt.
Take him out of the work world, and Pete will probably be on an adventure somewhere. Raised in Rock Creek, being “lost in the woods” means he is in his happy place. Pete spends much of his time outdoors camping, kayaking, hiking - with a highlight being a backpacking trip through Costa Rica.
Pete shares that the past few years during the pandemic has given him a chance to get back to outdoor adventures. Like others, Pete had been focusing maybe a bit too much on the daily grind when the world forced him to re-evaluate things and find ways to occupy the downtime. He is grateful for the pause and has jumped back in with two feet to be the explorer he has always been.
In fact, if you were to ask him what profession he would do if he could do anything? He simply replies:
“Are treasure hunters a real thing”?
A strong sense of self, a brain suited for business, compassion for others, and a bit of a weird sense of humour make Pete who he is. And he considers himself pretty lucky. Pete is excited to join our marketing agency — knowing that yes — there is a lot to learn, but the reward will be amazing!
Creative Director, James Shaw commented on Pete's first week, "Well, he's jumping in with both feet, in the deep end as part of our Account Management team. (Sorry, us marketing types are addicted to writing bad puns, haha!) You could say he's up the creek without a paddle, but Pete's a kayaker so he'll be in his element!"
Welcome, Pete. It's great to have you join "the Creekers"!"
When asked about why he chose to make a change, he shared this:
"The faster you cancel out the noise and trust your gut, the happier you’ll be.
And that’s when things will start taking off."
With a new year encroaching, are you ready to re-evaluate your business and marketing needs? Contact us today to start your 2022 roadmap!