Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs Harness the Power of the Internet
The Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs (OBGC) is launching www.boysandgirlsclubs.ca , the latest in exciting and interactive websites, featuring cutting edge technology.
Collaborating with Twin Creek Media Inc., the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs has broken new ground for non-profit organizations in the world of the Web. The site features an interactive map (using the power of google and satellite images) which pinpoints the geographical area and address of each Okanagan Boys and Girls Club location. With a quick click users can access program information for each Club across the Okanagan valley. Easy navigation systems let parents download the latest program brochures, and keeps them up-to-date with Club news and events.
Job seekers will find a link to current career and volunteer postings with position descriptions and an easy application form that can be submitted online.
The team at Twin Creek Media Inc., are especially proud of the custom design and programming of the new website. New technology allows staff in 13 different Okanagan locations to update news and events in their area, allowing the Clubs to keep their website current and dynamic.
Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs staff say the new site really captures the essence of children and families with bright colors and a fun new creative design. Staff are excited to launch the new site to help connect children, youth, and families to Clubs in their communities across the Okanagan.
Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs is a leading provider of programs to children and youth that support the healthy physical, educational and social development of more than 5,000 young people and their families each year. Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs have been helping young people to discover, develop and achieve their potential since 1959. To learn more, visit www.boysandgirlsclubs.ca
Twin Creek Media is a web & interactive agency specializing in creative design for marketing and advertising in Kelowna, BC. Founded in 1999, with roots in digital audio, Twin Creek Media has since developed a name for itself in the areas of web & graphic design.