Twin Creek Media Proud Marketing Partner of Okanagan Regional Library
Press Release February 17, 2010 For Immediate Release NEW OKANAGAN REGIONAL LIBRARY WEBSITE GOES LIVE The Okanagan Regional Library (ORL) launched its totally redesigned website on Wednesday, February 17 at its previous URL Customers visiting the site will see several new features that enhance their ability to find everything from events at their local branch, to answers for reference questions, to lists of librarian-recommended books for children and adults.
"The redesign of our website has been much more than cosmetic," says ORL Executive Director Lesley Dieno. "This website has been in development for a year and includes improvements so our customers can more easily access the information they need online."
Some of the features include:
- A master events calendar, searchable by branch, date, or event type
- Searchable ORL and BC Library to Go catalogues
- A news and events page for up-to-date information
- Links to the ORL's Facebook and Twitter pages
- In-depth financial and administrative information about the ORL
- Online "Join" form
- Links to booklists, recommended websites, a eResources for children, teens, and book lovers
The website was created by a team at the ORL and Kelowna marketing firm Twin Creek Media.
"This has been an extremely satisfying, and challenging project for our company," says Twin Creek Media owner James Shaw. "The Okanagan Regional Library is complex - there are so many services available! We worked hard with the ORL team to design a great online experience. I think this new website will highlight the amazing services and resources that ORL offers to people of all ages."
As part of the web launch, the ORL is unveiling its new kid's mascot and announcing a contest to "Name the Marmot". Children aged 3-15 years old are encouraged to submit their suggestions for a name online at A customized $200 prize pack will go to the person coming up with the winning name. Backgrounder on the ORL and use of technology (stats based on the 2009 year):
- The ORL website had 1.2 million hits, a 29% increase over 2008.
- Besides the ORL catalogue, the most popular page accessed was the "Branches" page.
- ORL customers downloaded 10,305 Audiobooks and eBooks from BC Library To Go, a 86% jump from 2008.
- 14,264 users accessed free wireless Internet at ORL branches
- Computer stations at ORL branches were used 171,028 times
- eResources subscription-only databases were accessed 36,077 times, with the most popular resources being Library To Go, Auto Reference Centre,, and AskAway reference service
- Customers used the website to make 11,118 suggestions for purchase
Marla O'Brien Public Relations Officer Okanagan Regional Library 1430 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC