Twin Creek Media on Virtual Stock Exchange
Breaking News... Twin Creek Media is the highest valued company in Kelowna, BC with share prices north of 11 dollars! (wait, sorry, not real, no "e's", the in-game currency). What's this all really about? Well, our company has joined (yet another) social network online. The fun part is this social network, called Empire Avenue, is set up like a stock exchange where you can buy and sell shares of PEOPLE and COMPANIES.
Cool idea, eh?! The initial value of your own shares are mostly dependent on your online influence. Empire Avenue's software goes out into the vast expanses of the internet and sees how much "influence" you have out there... things like blogs, Twitter and Facebook accounts all add to the influence. It looks for what you're saying online and who is listening and responding.
All this conversational activity adds up to "influence". If you're thinking this is all mumbo-jumbo in the real business world, read a little book called The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Influencers hold a lot of power. In spite of all the excitement building over the Empire Avenue social network/game structure, it appears things are just getting going... the game is still in beta. But hey, for now, the Twin Creek Media team will bask in the glory of having a higher stock value than Enquiro! ;-)
We even bought 100 shares of Enquiro just to support local biz. We care. We heart Kelowna. Ya know? Peace. So go create an account (sign up to be notified on the homepage and they'll probably send you an invite to beta test). Then go buy some TCM shares while they're cheap!