Face-to-face is a Click Away - Social Media Marketing for Kelowna Businesses
Social Media Marketing for Kelowna Businesses
The Okanagan newspaper recently published an article on a presentation James gave at a Kelowna Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting on using social media in business. The article is a great summary of the key points given at the meeting:
- Use your social media accounts - 15 minutes a day is a good place to start (a tool like Hootsuite will greatly help)
- Offer tips, tidbits, and advice to build your trust levels - offer real value in the form of free information
- Once you have followers who appreciate what you are putting out there, the odd business pitch is fine - but it's a fine line
- Build brand awareness by digital word of mouth - earn the right to be talked about and your customers will carry your flag
- Use social media to direct people to your website or store - it's a great promotional channel that businesses should use
If you're feeling lost or would rather outsource social media marketing, give us a shout at 250-762-4001. We'd be happy to help. To read the article click on it below if you've got a magnifying glass handy. ;-)