Social Media Marketing: Facebook (Part 2)
With Internet Users having such great presence on Facebook, it has real business value. Users engage with business pages on Facebook, including Artists, Media and Brands.
Businesses are noticing the benefits. In Kelowna, our internet marketing agency has noticed that businesses with a Facebook page are more likely to engage with their customers, offer promotions and respond to customer feedback. These activities are rewarded by more "Likes" to their page which generates more brand awareness.
Despite Facebook's prevalence as a social networking site for individuals and not businesses, even B2B companies are acquiring customers through Facebook.
What does this mean for Kelowna businesses?
Don't overlook Facebook as a tool for attracting customers whether your business is B2B or B2C. A Facebook Page is a necessity. Make sure to reward your loyal fans with offers and promotions, as well as timely information and announcements.