Crowdsourced Digital Turkey Drive Success!
A few weeks ago we decided to run a turkey drive for Kelowna Community Food Bank... we took a digital spin on an old idea and ran the turkey drive on Facebook. How do you collect real turkeys on the internet? Hmm... we decided that the "spirit of giving" is good enough. We thought if people post a photo of a turkey, that'll count towards our turkey drive... literally believing that it's the thought that counts. It was a bit of an experiment... we had no idea if anyone would be bothered enough to hunt down a photo, draw a picture or comment at all. It was a joy to see such an amazing response - with lots of people getting involved and posting turkey photos to Twin Creek Media's Facebook page.
It feels good to belong to a community that cares (which was another reason to do crowdsource turkeys instead of acting independently). It looks like people had a lot of fun and along with raising awareness of a good cause. Thanks so much to everyone involved!