Grant Money to Grow Your Business!

Twin Creek Media (TCM) is excited to help businesses grow their digital footprint via the Canadian Digital Adoption Plan (CDAP). They have entered into a strategic partnership with Streamline (also located in Kelowna, BC) to offer companies services covered by this grant money.
The Canadian Digital Adoption Plan government grant intends to help Canadian organizations improve their utilization of digital intelligence by improving efficiency within their organization and improving the provision of services & products to their clients.
Streamline has become well-known over the past two decades for helping businesses improve the use of digital intelligence. It has been certified by the Canadian government as an approved Digital Advisor for CDAP. The government has agreed to provide $15,000 towards determining avenues of digital improvement for companies.
Who’s it for?
CDAP is for companies who intend to improve their use of digital intelligence in areas such as operations, product or service offerings, marketing, and sales. Since we're a marketing agency, our services fit in nicely with the government's program. Twin Creek works alongside their clients to improve three main areas of their business:
- Strategy - Market research, planning, budgeting, key messaging, tactics, customer profiles, and advertising campaign preparation.
The Canadian Digital Adoption grant covers up to 100% of these marketing plan services. Twin Creek packages these services into a 4-6 week Marketing Roadmap project. The government's main eligibility criteria are to have revenue of $500k in one of the last three (3) years and be a for-profit organization. - Design - Print, web, video, photography, graphics - this stage is about creating what’s missing.
A small percentage of grant funds can be used for design-related services. The same eligibility hoops apply as above. - Advertising - Management of monthly advertising, both traditional and digital, plus performance reporting of (amazing) results.
Not many ongoing advertising services are covered by CDAP. Only the prep and planning aspects can be covered by the CDAP grant and no ad spend is applicable. Planning and prep (or deep-dive analysis of current performance) are completed in our Strategy and Design stages above.
How the Canadian Digital Adoption Plan works
TCM has successfully completed Marketing Roadmaps for 100s of companies over the last few years. It’s a massive help for Canadian businesses that a government grant is now available to cover this vital digital strategy. Businesses do not have to pay back any grant funds that they receive.
First, Twin Creek Media will discuss CDAP basics and eligibility with interested companies. The critical criteria to qualify is to have revenue of $500k in one of the last three (3) years and be a for-profit organization.
Next, you’ll be introduced to Streamline. The client will then work on getting verified on the CDAP portal, after which Streamline will carry out a Digital Needs Assessment for the client, which will be sent to CDAP for approval. After the client’s needs are approved, Streamline will work on securing the provision of $15k in digital services for the client. This will then get the ball rolling on implementing the Digital Adoption Plan, for which the client will work with TCM until completion.
After completing the CDAP project, TCM’s clients can continue to move on to the Design stage and, subsequently, the Advertising stage to further enhance their market offering. Companies are automatically eligible to apply for a $100,000 5-year interest-free loan through the Business Development Bank of Canada to implement the Marketing Roadmap. The loan is completely optional, but 0% interest is pretty great right now!
This venture marks a milestone for the Kelowna-based agency since COVID-related grants for websites and marketing are no longer available. The Canadian Digital Adoption Plan (up to $15k grant) helps all kinds of companies improve their operations by becoming more competitive and modernizing their sales and marketing aspects.
If your business needs digital marketing, contact us to access the Canadian grant program via Twin Creek Media’s partnership with Streamline.