Social Media Marketing: Twitter Statistics (Part 1)
Most Kelowna businesses know that Twitter is an online tool that allows users to broadcast 140 character messages to your followers. As messages are public, users are also able to search all messages by keyword, not just the messages of people they are following. Looking at some recent statistics put out by HubSpot, Twitter users are young, smart, affluent and tech-savvy. Although these stats are American, us Canucks are probably similar.
Twitter users around the world and in Kelowna use the tool for different purposes including status updates, sharing links, asking questions, and engaging in dialog with others. Twitter is a face-paced, information-rich, communications channel. Twitter COULD be an effective marketing channel for your business or cause, but like all channels, needs to be used inside an overall strategic plan. Hint: a good rule of thumb we like to follow... ask yourself, "Are my customers using __marketing channel X (ie. Twitter, Facebook, radio, newspapers, YouTube)__?" If the answer is "yes", then consider reaching your customers through that channel.